Reference Guide

Get Power Status on iDRAC
racadm serveraction powerstatus
Server Power Status: ON
Reseat blade 2 on CMC
$ racadm serveraction -m server-2 reseat -f
Server power operation successful
Explanation of Support
iDRAC Needs to support graceful shutdown
The support of address individual blades is expected on the CMC
Use this command to set the value of configuration objects on a device and modify the RAC
object values.
This subcommand is applicable for iDRAC only.
NOTE: For configuration of staged objects such as BIOS or NIC, commit and reboot job
creation should be used to apply the pending values. For more information, see jobqueue
racadm set -f <filename> [--continue]
racadm set <FQDD
racadm set <FQDD Alias>.<group>.<object>.<value>
racadm set <FQDD Alias>.<group>.<index>.<object>.<value>
racadm set -f <filename> -t xml -u myuser -p mypass -l //
FQDD Alias
> — Specifies the group containing the object that is to be written.
> — Specifies the object name of the value to be written.
> — This is specified where FQDD Alias' or Groups need to be indexed.
-f <
> — This option enables set to configure the device from a file specified by
>. This option is not supported in the Firmware RACADM interface.
--continue — This option is used with –f option only. If configuration through file fails for
a group, then configuration continues with the next group in the file. If this option is not
used, then configuration stops when it fails for a particular group. After the failed group,
the rest of the groups are not configured.
-u — Username of the remote share from where the file must be imported.
-p — Password for the remote share from where the file must be imported.
-l — Network share location from where the file must be imported.
-t — Specifies the file type to be imported. Valid values are "xml" and "ini". These are
case-insensitive. ini imports the legacy configuration file. The ini file cannot be imported
from a remote share. If -t is not specified the legacy file is imported.
-b — Specifies the shutdown type for the host after the import operation completes. The
parameters are "Graceful" for graceful and "Forced" for forced shutdown. If this
parameter is not specified, graceful shutdown is taken as the default.
-w — Maximum time to wait for the graceful shut down to occur. This has to be given in
seconds. Minimum accepted value is 300 seconds and the maximum accepted value is
3600 seconds. The default value is 1800 seconds.