Users Guide

Operating system running on the management station and managed system. The key combinations that are
meaningful to the operating system on the management station are not passed to the managed system.
Virtual Console Viewer mode—Windowed or Full Screen.
In Full Screen mode, Pass all keystrokes to server is enabled by default.
In Windowed mode, the keys passed only when the Virtual Console Viewer is visible and is active.
When changed from Full Screen mode to Windowed mode, the previous state of Pass all keys is resumed.
Related Links
Java-based Virtual Console Session running on Windows Operating System
Java Based Virtual Console Session Running on Linux Operating System
ActiveX Based Virtual Console Session Running on Windows Operating System
Java-based Virtual Console Session running on Windows Operating System
Ctrl+Alt+Del key is not sent to the managed system, but always interpreted by the management station.
When Pass All Keystrokes to Server is enabled, the following keys are not sent to the managed system:
Browser Back Key
Browser Forward Key
Browser Refresh key
Browser Stop Key
Browser Search Key
Browser Favorites key
Browser Start and Home key
Volume mute key
Volume down key
Volume up key
Next track key
Previous track key
Stop Media key
Play/Pause media key
Start mail key
Select media key
Start Application 1 key
Start Application 2 key
All the individual keys (not a combination of different keys, but a single key stroke) are always sent to the
managed system. This includes all the Function keys, Shift, Alt, Ctrl key and Menu keys. Some of these keys
affect both management station and managed system.
For example, if the management station and the managed system is running Windows operating system, and
Pass All Keys is disabled, when you press the Windows key to open the Start Menu, the Start menu opens on
both management station and managed system. However, if Pass All Keys is enabled, then the Start menu is
opened only on the managed system and not on the management station.
When Pass All Keys is disabled, the behavior depends on the key combinations pressed and the special
combinations interpreted by the operating system on the management station.
Java Based Virtual Console Session Running on Linux Operating System
The behavior mentioned for Windows operating system is also applicable for Linux operating system with the following