CLI Guide

cfgLDAPBindPassword (Write Only)
Table 227. Details of cfgLDAPBindPassword attribute
A bind password is used with the bindDN. The bind password is a sensitive data, and must be protected. It is optional
to support anonymous bind.
Legal Values
String maximum length = 254
cfgLDAPSearchFilter (Read or Write)
Table 228. Details of cfgLDAPSearchFilter attribute
To validate LDAP search lter, use the user attribute that cannot uniquely identify the login user within the chosen
baseDN. The search lter only applies to userDN search and not the group membership search.
Legal Values
String of maximum length = 254 characters
Searches for all objects in tree.
cfgLDAPCertValidationEnable (Read or Write)
Table 229. Details of cfgLDAPCertValidationEnable attribute
Controls certicate validation during SSL handshake.
Legal Values
1 (TRUE) — Uses the CA certicate to validate the LDAP server certicate during SSL handshake.
0 (FALSE) —Skips the certicate validation step of SSL handshake.
cfgLDAPSRVLookupDomainName (Read Only)
Table 230. Details of cfgLDAPSRVLookupDomainName attribute
Description To use in the SRV lookup, congure the domain name.
Legal Values
String of maximum length of 254 alphanumeric characters and hyphens. The string must begin with a letter.
iDRAC Property Database Group and Object Descriptions 179