CLI Guide

cfgRhostsFwUpdatePath (Read or Write)
Table 129. Details of attribute - cfgRhostsFwUpdatePath
Species TFTP path where rmware image le exists on the TFTP server. The TFTP path is relative to the TFTP
root path on the TFTP server.
NOTE: The server may still require you to specify the drive (for example, C:).
Legal Values
A string with a maximum length of 255 ASCII characters.
cfgRhostsSmtpServerIpAddr (Read or Write)
Table 130. Details of attribute - cfgRhostsSmtpServerIpAddr
The IPv4 or IPv6 address of the network SMTP server.
The SMTP server transmits email alerts from iDRAC if the alerts are congured and enabled.
Legal Values
A string representing a valid SMTP server IPv4 or IPv6 address. For example:
For IPv4, it is
cfgRhostsSyslogEnable (Read or Write)
Table 131. Details of attribute - cfgRhostsSyslogEnable
To allow the RAC and SEL logs to be written to up to three remote syslog servers Enables or disables remote syslog.
Legal Values
1 (TRUE)
Default 0
cfgRhostsSyslogPort (Read or Write)
Table 132. Details of attribute - cfgRhostsSyslogPort
Description Remote syslog port number to use for writing the RAC and SEL logs to a remote syslog server.
Legal Values
Default 514
iDRAC Property Database Group and Object Descriptions 147