Users Guide

182 Using the iDRAC6 Directory Service
I enabled certificate validation but my Active Directory login failed.
I ran the diagnostics from the GUI and the test results show the following
error message:
ERROR: Can't contact LDAP server, error:14090086:SSL
routines:SSL3_GET_SERVER_CERTIFICATE:certificate verify failed:
Please check the correct Certificate Authority (CA) certificate has been
uploaded to iDRAC. Please also check if the iDRAC date is within the valid
period of the certificates and if the Domain Controller Address configured
in iDRAC matches the subject of the Directory Server Certificate.
What could be the problem and how can I fix it?
If certificate validation is enabled, iDRAC6 uses the uploaded CA certificate
to verify the directory server certificate when iDRAC6 establishes the SSL
connection with the directory server. The most common reasons for failing
certification validation are:
The iDRAC6 date is not within the valid period of the server certificate or
CA certificate. Please check your iDRAC6 time and the valid period of
your certificate.
The domain controller addresses configured in iDRAC6 do not match the
Subject or Subject Alternative Name of the directory server certificate. If
you are using an IP address, please read the following question and answer.
If you are using FQDN, please make sure you are using the FQDN of the
domain controller, not the domain, for example,
instead of
I'm using an IP address for a domain controller address and I failed
certificate validation. What's the problem?
Check the
Subject or Subject Alternative Name
field of your domain controller
certificate. Usually Active Directory uses the hostname, not the IP address, of
the domain controller in the
Subject or Subject Alternative Name
field of the
domain controller certificate. You can fix the problem in several ways:
Configure the hostname (FQDN) of the domain controller as the
controller address(es)
on iDRAC6 to match the Subject or Subject
Alternative Name of the server certificate.
Re-issue the server certificate to use an IP address in the Subject or
Subject Alternative Name field so it matches the IP address configured in