Owner's Manual

408 RACADM and SM-CLP Equivalencies
cfgRacTuneHttpsPort Port to use for secure
Web interface HTTPS
Default: 443
cfgRacTuneIpBlkEnable Set to 1 to enable
IP blocking
Default: 0
cfgRacTuneIPBlkFailCount Number of failed login
attempts to count before
blocking IP (2 to 16)
Default: 5
cfgRacTuneIpBlkFailWindow Time span in seconds
during which to count
failed login attempts
(10 to 65535)
Default: 60
cfgRacTuneIpBlkPenaltyTime Time span in seconds
that a blocked
IP remains blocked
(10 to 65535)
Default: 300
cfgRacTuneIpRangeAddr Base IP address for
IP range filter
cfgRacTuneIpRangeEnable Set to 1 to allow IP range
Default: 0
cfgRacTuneIpRangeMask Bit mask applied to the
base address to select
valid IP addresses
cfgRacTuneLocalServerVideo Set to 1 to enable local
iKVM console
Default: 1
cfgRacTuneSshPort Port to use for the SSH
Default: 22
Table D-1. RACADM Groups/Objects and SM-CLP Equivalencies (continued)
RACADM Groups/Objects SM-CLP Description