Owner's Manual

Deploying Your Operating System Using iVMCLI 265
Help Display
This parameter displays a summary of the iVMCLI utility parameters. If no other
non-switch options are provided, the command terminates without error.
Manual Display
This parameter displays a detailed “man page” for the iVMCLI utility,
including descriptions of all of the possible options.
Encrypted Data
When this parameter is included in the command line, iVMCLI will use an
SSL-encrypted channel to transfer data between the management station and
iDRAC6 in the remote system. If this parameter is not included in the
command line, the data transfer is not encrypted.
iVMCLI Operating System Shell Options
The following operating system features can be used in the iVMCLI
command line:
stderr/stdout redirection — Redirects any printed utility output to a file.
For example, using the greater-than character (>) followed by a filename
overwrites the specified file with the printed output of the iVMCLI utility.
NOTE: The iVMCLI utility does not read from standard input (stdin). As a
result, stdin redirection is not required.
Background execution — By default, the iVMCLI utility runs in the
foreground. Use the operating system's command shell features to cause
the utility to run in the background. For example, under a Linux operating
system, the ampersand character (&) following the command causes the
program to be spawned as a new background process.