User's Manual

Using config command:
racadm config -g cfgRacTuning -o cfgRacTuneIpRangeEnable 1
racadm config -g cfgRacTuning -o cfgRacTuneIpBlkFailCount 5
racadm config -g cfgRacTuning -o cfgRacTuneIpBlkFailWindow 60
Using set command:
racadm set iDRAC.IPBlocking.RangeEnable 1
racadm set iDRAC.IPBlocking.FailCount 5
racadm set iDRAC.IPBlocking.FailWindow 60
The following example prevents more than three failed attempts within a minute, and prevents additional login
attempts for an hour;
Using config command:
racadm config -g cfgRacTuning -o cfgRacTuneIpBlkEnable 1
racadm config -g cfgRacTuning -o cfgRacTuneIpBlkFailCount 3
racadm config -g cfgRacTuning -o cfgRacTuneIpBlkFailWindow 60
racadm config -g cfgRacTuning -o cfgRacTuneIpBlkPenaltyTime 3600
Using set command:
racadm set iDRAC.IPBlocking.BlockEnable 1
racadm set iDRAC.IPBlocking.FailCount 3
racadm set iDRAC.IPBlocking.FailWindow 60
racadm set iDRAC.IPBlocking.PenaltyTime 3600
For more information, see the
RACADM Command Line Reference Guide for iDRAC7 and CMC
available at
Configuring Services
You can configure and enable the following services on iDRAC7:
Local Configuration — Disable access to iDRAC7 configuration (from the host system) using Local RACADM and
iDRAC Settings utility.
Web Server — Enable access to iDRAC7 Web interface. If you disable the option, use local RACADM to re-enable
the Web Server, since disabling the Web Server also disables remote RACADM.
SSH — Access iDRAC7 through firmware RACADM.
Telnet — Access iDRAC7 through firmware RACADM
Remote RACADM — Remotely access iDRAC7.
SNMP Agent — Enables support for SNMP queries (GET, GETNEXT, and GETBULK operations) in iDRAC7.
Automated System Recovery Agent — Enable Last System Crash Screen.
VNC Server — Enable VNC server with or without SSL encryption.
Configuring Services Using Web Interface
To configure the services using iDRAC7 Web interface:
1. In the iDRAC7 Web interface, go to OverviewiDRAC SettingsNetworkServices.
The Services page is displayed.
2. Specify the required information and click Apply.
For information about the various settings, see the
iDRAC7 Online Help
Configuring Services Using RACADM
To enable and configure the various services using RACADM: