Laptop User Manual

3. Open the display all the way (180 degrees) so that it lies flat against your work surface.
4. Use a small plastic scribe to lift the right edge of the hinge cover.
5. Lift the hinge cover away from the hinges and computer base.
6. Lift and turn the keyboard over and lay it across the palm rest over the touch pad.
7. Remove the M2 x 3-mm screw securing the modem to the system board, and set it aside.
8. Remove the captive screw from the modem.
9. Pull straight up on the attached pull-tab to lift the modem out of its connector on the system board and disconnect the modem cable.
hinge cover
notched edge
hinge cover
notched edge
NOTICE: The keycaps on the keyboard are fragile, easily dislodged, and time-consuming to replace. Be careful when removing and handling the
NOTICE: When lifting the keyboard, be careful not to pull the keyboard connection out of the system board.