White Papers

Performance and Energy Efficiency of Dell PowerEdge servers with Xeon Cascade Lake
Energy Efficiency
SPECpower_ssj2008 is an industry standard benchmark created by the Standard Performance Evaluation Corporation
) to measure a server’s power and performance across its full range of utilization levels from 100% to idle.
As figure 5 shows, the Dell PowerEdge R740 with two of the new Cascade Lake-SP 8280 processors is capable of 9%
higher performance per watt than was possible with the Skylake-SP Platinum 8180
Figure 5 Two Socket Platform Energy Efficiency improvement running SPECpower_ssj2008
Required SPEC disclosure information: R740/8280 scores: (5,811,114 ssj_ops and 432W) @ 100% target load and 12,831 overall
ssj_ops/watt vs. R740/8180: (5,727,798 ssj_ops and 457W) @ 100% and 11,790 overall ssj_ops/watt. Both results published at
https://spec.org/power_ssj2008/results/. SPEC® and the benchmark name SPECpower_ssj® are registered trademarks