Reference Guide

Version Introduced on the E-Series ExaScale.
When you explicitly disable a BGP neighbor for a BFD session with the neighbor bfd
disable command:
The neighbor does not inherit the global BFD disable values configured with the bfd
command or configured for the peer group to which the neighbor belongs.
The neighbor only inherits the global timer values configured with the bfd
neighbor command: interval, min_rx, and multiplier.
When you remove the Disabled state of a BFD for a BGP session with a specified neighbor by
entering the no neighbor bfd disable command, the BGP link with the neighbor
returns to normal operation and uses the BFD session parameters globally configured with the
bfd neighbor command or configured for the peer group to which the neighbor belongs.
bfd neighbor — explicitly enables a BFD session with a BGP neighbor or a BGP peer group.
show bfd neighbors — displays the BFD neighbor information on all interfaces or a specified
show bfd neighbors
Display BFD neighbor information on all interfaces or a specified interface.
show bfd neighbors interface [detail]
Enter one of the following keywords and slot/port or number
For a 10-Gigabit Ethernet interface, enter the keyword
tengigabitethernet then the slot/port information.
For a port-channel interface, enter the keyword port-
channel then a number. For the C-Series, Z-Series, and
S8410, the range is from 1 to 128.
For VLAN interfaces, enter the keyword vlan then a number
from 1 to 4094. For ExaScale VLAN interfaces, the range is 1
to 2730 (VLAN IDs can be from 0 to 4093).
detail (OPTIONAL) Enter the keyword detail to view detailed information
about BFD neighbors.
Defaults none
Command Modes
EXEC Privilege