Reference Guide

Getting Started | 45
The output of the command dir also shows the read/write privileges, size (in bytes), and date of
modification for each file, as shown in Figure 3-4.
Figure 3-4. Viewing a List of Files in the Internal Flash
To view the contents of a file:
View Configuration Files
Configuration files have three commented lines at the beginning of the file, as shown in Figure 3-5, to help
you track the last time any user made a change to the file, which user made the changes, and when the file
was last saved to the startup-configuration.
In the running-configuration file, if there is a difference between the timestamp on the “Last configuration
change,” and “Startup-config last updated,” then you have made changes that have not been saved and will
not be preserved upon a system reboot.
Step Task Command Syntax Command Mode
1View the:
EXEC Privilege
contents of a file in the internal flash of
an RPM
show file rpm{0|1}flash://filename
contents of a file in the external flash
of an RPM
show file rpm{0|1}slot0://filename
running-configuration show running-config
startup-configuration show startup-config
Directory of flash:
1 drw- 32768 Jan 01 1980 00:00:00 .
2 drwx 512 Jul 23 2007 00:38:44 ..
3 drw- 8192 Mar 30 1919 10:31:04 TRACE_LOG_DIR
4 drw- 8192 Mar 30 1919 10:31:04 CRASH_LOG_DIR
5 drw- 8192 Mar 30 1919 10:31:04 NVTRACE_LOG_DIR
6 drw- 8192 Mar 30 1919 10:31:04 CORE_DUMP_DIR
7 d--- 8192 Mar 30 1919 10:31:04 ADMIN_DIR
8 -rw- 33059550 Jul 11 2007 17:49:46
9 -rw- 27674906 Jul 06 2007 00:20:24 FTOS-ZB-
10 -rw- 27674906 Jul 06 2007 19:54:52 boot-image-FILE
11 drw- 8192 Jan 01 1980 00:18:28 diag
12 -rw- 7276 Jul 20 2007 01:52:40 startup-config.bak
13 -rw- 7341 Jul 20 2007 15:34:46 startup-config
14 -rw- 27674906 Jul 06 2007 19:52:22 boot-image
15 -rw- 27674906 Jul 06 2007 02:23:22 boot-flash