Owner's Manual

Dell 8/4Gbps FC SAN Module Administrator’s Guide 39
- Downloading a configuration file from a system that is not Virtual Fabric-capable to a
system in Virtual Fabric mode is not recommended. The configuration is applied to the
default switch only, and only to the ports that are part of the default switch.
If an FCS policy is enabled, the following rules and restrictions apply:
Both [Defined Security Policies] and [Active Security Policies] sections must exist and contain
In the [Defined Security Policies] section, at least one member of the FCS_POLICY must be the
same as a member in the previous FCS_POLICY.
In the [Active Security Policies] section, the FCS_POLICY must be exactly the same as the
previous FCS_POLICY. Order of members must be maintained.
If either security policies section has an RSNMP_POLICY, then that section must have a
After the switch is enabled, if the switch is the primary FCS, then its security and zoning
information is propagated to all other switches in the fabric.
After the switch is enabled, if the switch is a non-FCS or a backup FCS, then its security and
zoning information will be overwritten by the primary FCS.
Security parameters and the switch’s identity cannot be changed by configDownload. Parameters
such as the switch name and IP address are ignored; they are lines in the configuration file that
begin with “boot”. Security parameters and version stamp are ignored; they are the lines in the
configuration file that begin with “sec”.
[License] is only accepted if the boot.mac parameter matches the license ID (WWN) of the switch
performing the download; otherwise, it is ignored.
The configuration parameters R_A_TOV, E_D_TOV, WAN_TOV, and MAX_HOPS are interrelated.
Assigning a specific value to one or more of these parameters might change the range of allowed
values that can be assigned to the other parameters. As a result, you may not be able to set all the
values within the range displayed for each parameter. This command validates the modified values
of these four parameters and terminates the download operation, if the validation check fails.
This is particularly important when downloading a zoning configuration. Since the new zoning
information is added to the current configuration, there might not be any conflicts. If the current
zoning configuration is to be replaced, the keyword “clear:” should be inserted into the
configuration file immediately before the zoning lines (starting at the line “[Zoning]”).
If the configuration file contains the keyword “enable:” followed by a zone_configuration, that
zoning configuration is enabled in the fabric. If there is no “enable:” keyword in the configuration
file or no zoning configuration by that name exists, or if enable fails for any reason (such as
dangling aliases), then the following conditions apply:
The effective configuration remains as it was prior to the configuration download. The
“enable:” action is ignored.
The Defined Configuration changes to reflect the new zoning configuration.
Notes The execution of this command is subject to Virtual Fabric or Admin Domain restrictions that may
be in place. Refer to “Understanding Virtual Fabric restrictions” on page 32 and “Understanding
Admin Domain restrictions on page 33 for details.
Do not manually edit a configuration file after uploading the file and before downloading the file to
a switch. Manual editing bypasses sanity checks for some configuration parameters and results in
unpredictable system behavior.