CLI Guide

Table Of Contents
Disks equipped with SMART technology can alert the controller of impending disk failure. When
SMART is enabled, the system checks for SMART events one minute after a restart and every
five minutes thereafter. SMART events are recorded in the event log. Changes to the SMART
setting take effect after a rescan or a controller restart.
For spinning disks, the drive spin down feature monitors disk activity within system enclosures
and spins down inactive disks, based on user-specified settings. This command sets spin-down
parameters for available disks and global spares. Spin-down settings do not affect leftover disks.
To set spin-down parameters for a linear disk group, use the set vdisk command.
Minimum role manage
set disk-parameters
[smart enabled|disabled|on|off|detect-only]
[spin-down enabled|disabled|on|off]
[spin-down-delay delay]
smart enabled|disabled|on|off|detect-only
Optional. Sets whether SMART is enabled or disabled for disks:
disabled or off: Disables SMART for all disks in the system and for all disks added to the
enabled or on: Enables SMART for all disks in the system and for all disks added to the system.
This is the default.
detect-only: Detects but does not change the SMART setting of each disk in the system, and
for each new disk added to the system.
spin-down enabled|disabled|on|off
Optional. Sets whether spinning disks that are available or are global spares will spin down after a
period of inactivity shown by the spin-down-delay parameter.
disabled or off: Drive spin down for available disks and global spares is disabled. This is the
default. Disabling spin down will set the spin-down delay to 0.
enabled or on: Drive spin down for available disks and global spares is enabled. If the spin-
down-delay parameter is not specified, the delay will be set to 60 minutes
NOTE: Drive spin down is not applicable to ADAPT disk groups or virtual pools.
spin-down-delay delay
Optional. Sets the period of inactivity after which spinning disks that are available or are global spares
will spin down. Setting the delay to 1360 minutes will enable spin down. Setting the delay to 0 will
disable spin down. The default is 15 minutes.
Examples Enable SMART and drive spin down, and set the spin-down delay to 10 minutes.
# set disk-parameters smart on spin-down on spin-down-delay 10
See also show disk-parameters
set dns-management-hostname
Sets a domain host name for each controller module to identify it for management purposes.
The controller will advertise the management host name to DNS servers. The DNS servers will in
turn create and advertise a fully qualified domain name (FQDN) for the controller by appending the
management host name to the DNS domain string that identifies the controller.
Minimum role manage
set dns-management-hostname
[controller a|b]
[name hostname]
Alphabetical list of commands 121