Users Guide

Editing connection details of an OpenManage
Enterprise console
To edit the connection details of the OpenManage Enterprise console:
1 On the OpenManage Mobile home screen, perform the following steps:
a Press and hold the OpenManage Enterprise console entry you want to edit.
b Tap Edit Connection.
The Edit Connection screen is displayed.
2 Edit the Hostname or IP, Username, Password, Domain (if applicable), and Description (optional) as required.
3 Tap Next.
On the next screen, edit the alert lter subscription if needed.
4 Tap OK to save the connection.
The OpenManage Enterprise dashboard is displayed.
Deleting an OpenManage Enterprise console
To delete an OpenManage Enterprise console from OpenManage Mobile:
1 On the OpenManage Mobile home screen, perform one of the following steps:
Select the OpenManage Enterprise console that you want to remove, and tap .
: If you want to remove multiple OpenManage Enterprise consoles, select each console that you want to remove.
Press and hold the OpenManage Enterprise console.
1 Tap Edit Connection.
2 Tap Delete OME.
: If OpenManage Mobile is unable to contact the OpenManage Enterprise server when the console is deleted, the
OpenManage Enterprise server retains the device in its mobile subscribers list until it is manually deleted. For more
information about deleting a mobile subscriber, see
OpenManage Enterprise User’s Guide
2 The Delete Conrmation screen is displayed.
3 Tap Yes.
The OpenManage Enterprise console is deleted from OpenManage Mobile.
Deleting multiple hosts
To delete multiple hosts (OpenManage Enterprise consoles and iDRACs) from OpenManage Mobile:
1 On the OpenManage Mobile home screen, select the hosts that you want to remove.
: If OpenManage Mobile is unable to contact the OpenManage Enterprise server when the host is deleted, the
OpenManage Enterprise server retains the device in its mobile subscribers list until it is manually deleted. For more
information about deleting a mobile subscriber, see
OpenManage Enterprise User’s Guide
2 Tap .
The Conrm Deletion screen is displayed.
3 Tap Yes.
Managing OpenManage Enterprise