White Papers

REST API Guide OpenManage Essentials | Revision A02
2.12 Tasks
The following URI can be used to create a new task:
Task URI: < BASE_URI>/Tasks
Operations supported: GET and POST
Attributes (filtering): TaskId
2.12.1 Power control task
The following resource URI can be used to create a power control task.
Power control task URI: < BASE_URI>/Tasks/PowerControl (POST operation)
The attributes associated with the power control task are described in the following table.
Attribute Name
Always set this to 0 when creating a new task.
The name of the task.
A short description of the task.
An enumerated value indicating the type of power control (Shutdown, Power
Cycle, Reset, or Power On)
A flag indicating if the power control results in a graceful operating system
shutdown or not:
1 Shutdown the operating system first
0 Do not shutdown the operating system first
Note: The IsGraceful property is applicable for task control types of 1, 2, 3
(Shutdown, PowerCycle, and Reset) and is ignored for control type of 4
(PowerOn). For more information, see the Error! Reference source not
found. section.
The list of selected device identifiers. If only one device is affected, the list will
contain one element. The device identifier is the identifier associated with the
The schedule for the task. This will be in cron format. If it is a run now task,
The username required to run the task.
The password required to run the task.
For more information about the format of the Schedule field, see cron.