Command Line Interface Guide

210 omconfig storage Commands
omconfig Physical Disk Commands
The following sections provide the omconfig command syntax required to
execute physical disk tasks.
connector Displays a list of the omreport storage
connector parameters for configuring
cachecade Displays a list of the omconfig storage
cachecade parameters for configuring
Table 8-2. omconfig Physical Disk Commands
Required Command Levels
(1, 2, 3)
Optional name=value pairs
omconfig storage pdisk
action=blink controller=id pdisk=<PDISKID>
action=unblink controller=id pdisk=<PDISKID>
action=remove controller=id pdisk=<PDISKID>
action=instantsecureerase controller=id pdisk=
action=initialize controller=id pdisk=<PDISKID>
action=offline controller=id pdisk=<PDISKID>
action=online controller=id pdisk=<PDISKID>
action=assignglobalhotspare controller=id pdisk=
<PDISKID> assign=<yes|no>
action=rebuild controller=id pdisk=<PDISKID>
action=cancelrebuild controller=id pdisk=<PDISKID>
action=cancelreplacemember controller=id pdisk=
action=clear controller=id pdisk=<PDISKID>
Table 8-1. omconfig storage help
Level 1
Level 2
Level 3