Command Line Interface Guide

omconfig: Managing Components Using the Instrumentation Service 125
omconfig chassis leds or omconfig mainsystem leds
Use the omconfig chassis leds or omconfig mainsystem leds command to
specify when to flash a chassis fault LED or chassis identification LED.
This command also allows you to clear the LED of the system hard drive.
Table 4-8 shows the valid parameters for the command.
omconfig chassis memorymode or omconfig mainsystem memorymode
Use the omconfig chassis memorymode or omconfig mainsystem
memorymode command to specify the redundancy mode to use for the
system memory in case of memory errors.
Redundant memory enables a system to switch to other available memory
modules if unacceptable errors are detected in the modules that the system is
currently using. The omconfig chassis memorymode or omconfig
mainsystem memorymode command allows you to disable redundancy;
when you disable redundancy, you instruct the system not to switch to other
available memory modules when the module the system is using begins to
encounter errors. To enable redundancy, choose among spare, mirror, raid, and
Spare mode disables a bank of system memory in which a correctable memory
event is detected, enables the spare bank, and copies all the data from the
original bank to the spare bank. Spare bank requires at least three banks of
identical memory; the operating system does not recognize the spare bank.
Table 4-8. omconfig chassis leds or omconfig mainsystem leds
name=value pair 1 name=value pair 2 Description
index=<n> NA Number of the chassis where the LED
resides (defaults to chassis 0, main system
led=fault severity=warning |
Select to flash the LED either when a
warning event occurs or when a critical
event occurs.
led=hdfault action=clear Sets the number of faults for the hard
drive back to zero (0.)
led=identify flash=off | on
Sets the chassis identification LED to off
or on. Set the time-out value for the LED
to flash to a number of seconds.