User's Manual

188 Using the Storage Management Service
Table 6-17. omconfig Controller Commands
Required Command
Levels (1, 2, 3)
Optional name=value pairs
omconfig storage
action=rescan controller=id
action=enablealarm controller=id
action=disablealarm controller=id
action=quietalarm controller=id
action=testalarm controller=id
action=resetconfig controller=id [force=yes]
action=createvdisk controller=id raid=<c| r0| r1| r1c| r5|r6|
r10| r50|r60> size=<number | max | min> pdisk=
<PDISKID> [stripesize=< 2kb| 4kb| 8kb| 16kb| 32kb| 64kb|
128kb>] [cachepolicy=<d | c>] [diskcachepolicy=<disabled |
enabled>] [readpolicy=<ra| nra| ara| rc| nrc>] [writepolicy=
<wb | wt | wc | nwc | fwb>] [name=<string>] [spanlength=
<n>] | [secureflag=yes]
NOTE: For RAID 10 on SAS controllers with firmware version 6.1 and
later, spanlength is an optional parameter (default=2).
action=createsecuritykey controller=id keyid=<keyid>
passphrase=<passphrase string> [escrow=yes] [filepath=
<Absolute path to the escrow file>]
NOTE: If you set escrow=yes, you should specify the escrow file
action=changesecuritykey controller=id keyid=<keyid>
passphrase=<passphrase string> oldpassphrase=
<oldpassphrase string> [escrow=yes] [filepath=<Absolute path
to the escrow file>]
NOTE: If you set escrow=yes, you should specify the escrow file
action=changesecuritykey controller=id keyid=<keyid>
passphrase=<passphrase string> [escrow=yes]
action=deletesecuritykey controller=id
action=importsecureforeignconfig controller=id passphrase=
<passphrase for foreign configuration to be imported>