SNMP Reference Guide

BIOS Setup Control Group 333
Diskette Control Status
Diskette Control Name
Network Interface Control Table
These MIB objects enable you to track the attributes of the NIC card for your system.
Network Interface Control Table Entry
Name disketteControlStatus
Object ID
Description Defines the status of the diskette controller.
Syntax DellStatus
Access Read-only
Name disketteControlName
Object ID
Description Defines the setup BIOS name of the diskette controller.
Syntax DellString
Access Read-only
Name networkInterfaceControlTable
Object ID
Description Defines the Network Interface Control Table.
Syntax NetworkInterfaceControlTableEntry
Access Not accessible
Name networkInterfaceControlTableEntry
Object ID
Description Defines the Network Interface Control Table entry.
Syntax NetworkInterfaceControlTableEntry
Access Not accessible
Index networkInterfaceControlchassisIndex, networkInterfaceControlIndex