Deployment Guide

Hypervisor Deployment using the Dell Management Plug-in for VMware vCenter
Hypervisor profile
A hypervisor profile consists of Reference ISO and vCenter Settings. The Reference ISO settings consist
of the location and access credentials (if necessary) to a hypervisor installation ISO for VMware ESX or
ESXi. The vCenter settings consist of the vCenter server, the vCenter destination container and vCenter
host profile to apply.
Creating a hypervisor profile
You can create a hypervisor profile using the Create New button on the Deployment Template Edit
page or under the Deployment section in the left-pane navigation menu. To create a hypervisor profile,
provide a Profile Name and optionally, a description. Next, save the profile, and then click the
Reference ISO button in the left-pane navigation menu.
When the Hypervisor Installation Source page is shown, click Edit to specify the installation source ISO
settings. The hypervisor ISO is on a CIFS or NFS share. If using a CIFS share, required fields for a
Username and password are displayed. To save the Reference ISO settings, click Save.
Note: If using NFS, the use of Symbolic Links is not supported in the Reference ISO path.
Specify the vCenter settings by clicking the vCenter Settings link in the left-pane navigation menu, and
one the vCenter Settings page, click the Edit link. Select a vCenter instance from the drop-down list.
Use the Browse button to select the container the target servers should join. Optionally, select a
vCenter Host Profile for the target servers. Click the Save button to save the vCenter settings. The
Hypervisor profile can be closed by clicking the X the upper right corner of the window.
Global settings
The third step in the Deployment Wizard is Global Settings. In the Global settings tab, you can specify
whether to deploy the hypervisor to the first hard disk or to the Internal Dual SD card module if
present. If you pick the Internal Dual SD Module, then enable the failover to the first hard disk if the
Internal SD Module is not available at the time of deployment. Do this selection, by selecting the check
Note: The Internal Dual SD Module deployment is not supported for the ESX hypervisor. The Internal
Dual SD Module must be enabled from the BIOS before you deploy the hypervisor.
Server identification
The fourth step in the Deployment Wizard is to specify the server network identification information.
In this step, you can provide the server identification in two ways:
Enter networking information (IP address, subnet mask and gateway); a fully qualified domain
name for the host name is mandatory.
Use the Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol (DHCP) to configure the IP addresses, subnet mask,
gateway IP, host name and preferred/alternate DNS servers
In addition, the primary NIC for deployment and management tasks is selectable from a drop-down list
in this step.