Web Services Interface Guide

Dell™ Lifecycle Controller 2 Web Services Interface Guide for Windows Version: 2.1.0
Here the JobArray element shows a list of Jobids that are to be scheduled to run. TIME_NOW is a
special value that represents “running the tasks immediately”. The UntilTime value specifies the
“maintenance windows”. Once a task is not run after passing UntilTime, it should not be run again.
Upon successfully invocation of the SetupJobQueue() method, the aforementioned times will be listed
when enumerated in Section 10.2.3.
Returns 0 for success or non-zero for error with messageID and message description.
ReturnValue = null
Entering an invalid jobid or XML syntax error can yield one of the following error messages:
Message = Job Cannot be Scheduled
MessageID = SUP016
ReturnValue = null
Message = Duplicated/Invalid JOBID Entries
MessageID = SUP023
ReturnValue = null
10.2.2 Delete Job Queue
The DeleteJobQueue() method takes in a jobID and then deletes it from the job store.
Note: When clearing all jobs and pending data using the keyword JID_CLEARALL, as shown in example
2 below, the remote services instrumention is restarted to clear the cache [LC 1.x ONLY]. Users should
allow two minutes for this process to complete.
Invoke DeleteJobQueue() with the following parameters and syntax:
[JobID]: The jobID of a particular job instance to be deleted from a jobqueue
winrm invoke DeleteJobQueue cimv2/root/dcim/DCIM_JobService
@{JobID=”[jobID]” }