Web Services Interface Guide

Dellâ„¢ Lifecycle Controller 2 Web Services Interface Guide for Windows Version: 2.1.0
Message = The command was successful
MessageID = NIC001
RebootRequired = Yes
ReturnValue = 0
SetResult = Set PendingValue
15.16 Setting the FCoE Boot Target
The SetAttributes() method is used to set or change the values of the FCoE boot target attributes.
Invoke the SetAttributes() method with the following parameters (from 15.1) and syntax:
Target: FQDD attained through DCIM_NICEnumeration
AttributeName: Attained from AttributeName field
AttributeValue: A new value to assign to the specified NICAttribute. If this value is valid, it is
applied to the PendingValue property or the Currentvalue property of the specified
NICAttribute. Possible choices are attained from PossibleValues field, such as:
Possible values: Disabled, Enabled
winrm i SetAttributes http://schemas.dmtf.org/wbem/wscim/1/cim-