White Paper

Reinitiate Auto-discovery
Reinitialize auto-discovery sequence diagram
Figure 2.
Set Certificate
iDRAC DHCP DNS New Prov Server
Re-Init Auto Discovery
Time Now or Power reapplied
DHCP Request IP
IP Lease
DHCP Request Prov Serv
DNS SRV Lookup
Default Hostname Lookup
Username, password
Console will now configure the server
Old Prov Server
Setting, updating, or deleting custom auto-discovery certificates
Reinitializing auto-discovery will undo all iDRAC custom configuration settings, and set the iDRAC back
to auto-discovery factory defaults with the exception of auto-discovery certificates used for handshake
and provisioning server. If the new network/provisioning server uses custom certificates, those must
be set on the server before auto-discovery is reinitialized. If the new network/provisioning server uses
default certificates, any custom certificates should be deleted.
Use custom certificates
Install provisioning server’s CA certificate
The following WSMAN method sets the CA certificate on the iDRAC that it uses to validate the
provisioning server. This must be the same CA that signed the provisioning server’s certificate.