User's Manual

100 USC and USC-LCE Operations
Viewing Lifecycle Log History
Use this feature to view:
Firmware inventory
History of firmware updates
Update and configuration events only
NOTE: The details of the configuration changes are not shown.
User comments
While viewing the lifecycle log, use different filtering and sorting options.
To view the Lifecycle Log History and to use the filtering options:
In the left pane, click
Lifecycle Log
In the right pane, click
View Lifecycle Log History.
The page displays a table with the following event information:
No — The serial number of the event.
Category — The category under which the events belong.
Description — A brief description of the event. For example, Dell OS
Drivers Pack, v., X14 was detected.
TimeStamp — When the event occurred.
Use the following options in
Filter by Category
to see the required
— Displays all the data in the Lifecycle Log
Any Other Event
— Displays the data based on the event selected.
For example, iDRAC, Inventory, Configuration Service, Job Control,
Remote Update, OS Deployment, USC, and Others.
Use up/down arrows in the table to sort the data.