Deployment Guide

Preparation Checklist - Upgrade/Migration
This checklist applies only to Security Management Server.
Update Security Management Server Virtual from the Basic Configuration menu in your Dell Server Terminal. For more
information, see Security Management Server Virtual Quick Start and Installation Guide.
Use the following checklist to ensure you have met all prerequisites before beginning to upgrade Encryption or Endpoint
Security Suite Enterprise.
Servers meet required software specifications?
Windows Server 2012 R2 (Standard or Datacenter), Windows Server 2016 (Standard or Datacenter), or
Windows Server 2019 (Standard or Datacenter) is installed. Alternatively, a virtualized environment can be
Windows Installer 4.0 or later is installed.
.NET Framework 4.6.1 is installed.
Microsoft SQL Native Client 2012 is installed, if using SQL Server 2012 or SQL Server 2016. If available, SQL
Native Client 2014 may be used.
NOTE: SQL Express is not supported with Security Management Server.
Windows Firewall is disabled or configured to allow (inbound) ports 8000, 8050, 8081, 8084, 8443, 8888,
Connectivity is available between Security Management Server and Active Directory (AD) over ports 88,
135, 389, 443, 636, 3268, 3269, 49125+ (RPC) (inbound to AD).
UAC is disabled before installation on Windows Server 2012 R2 when installing in C:\Program Files. The
server must be rebooted for this change to take effect. (see Windows Control Panel > User Accounts).
Windows Server 2012 R2 - the installer disables UAC.
Windows Server 2016 R2 - the installer disables UAC.
Service accounts successfully created?
Service account with read-only access to AD (LDAP) - basic user/domain user account is sufficient.
Service account must have local administrator rights to the Security Management Server application
To use Windows authentication for the database, a domain services account with system administrator
rights. The user account must be in the format DOMAIN\Username and have the SQL Server permissions
Default Schema: dbo and Database Role Membership: dbo_owner, public.
To use SQL authentication, the SQL account used must have system administrator rights on the SQL
Server. The user account must have the SQL Server permissions Default Schema: dbo and Database Role
Membership: dbo_owner, public.
Database and all necessary files are backed up?
12 Preparation Checklist - Upgrade/Migration