Reference Guide

Option Description Format
workspace should be sent by
email to the administrator
Severity of the events from the
performance and connectivity
workspace that will be sent by
email to the administrator
Possible values are All, Major
Indicate whether events from the
hardware workspace should be
sent by email to the administrator
Possible values are Yes, No
Severity of the events from the
hardware workspace that will be
sent by email to the administrator
Possible values are All, Major
Indicate whether events from the
system workspace should be sent
by email to the administrator
Possible values are Yes, No
Severity of the events from the
system workspace that will be
sent by email to the administrator
Possible values are All, Major
Change the email address of an administrator named Administrator2 to and enable
email for all hardware events:
CLI> system administrators edit Administrator2 -Email -
EnableHardwareSeverity Yes -HardwareSeverity All
system administrators list
Display a list of the administrators.
system administrators list
Option Description Format
--CSV Displays the command output in
a comma-delimited format with
a header
Append --CSV to the command
Display a list of the current administrators:
CLI> system administrators list
CLI Commands