Administrator Guide

1. If a Storage Center is selected from the drop-down list, click (Home) in the left navigation pane of Unisphere Central.
2. Click Data Collector.
The Data Collector view is displayed.
3. Click the General tab, and then click the Database subtab.
4. Click Change Data Source.
The Change Data Source dialog box opens.
5. Select the type of database from the Database Type drop-down menu.
6. Type the host name or IP address of the database server in the Hostname or IP Address field.
7. Type the port number of the database server in the Port field.
8. Type the user name and password of a user account that has database administrator rights in the User Name and Password fields.
9. If Auto-Create Database Password is selected, the default password for the compmsauser database user is R3p0r!cty4sgs.
To specify a password for the compmsauser database user, select Specify Database Password and type the password in the DSM
DB User Password and Confirm Password fieldd.
10. To migrate historical data from the current database to the new database, clear the Do not migrate any data from previous data
source checkbox.
To migrate I/O usage data, select the Migrate IO Usage Data checkbox, then select either Day or Week from the drop-down
menu and specify the number of days or weeks of I/O usage data to move in the Migrate Last field.
To migrate storage data, select the Migrate Storage Usage Data checkbox, then select either Day or Week from the drop-
down menu and specify the number of days or weeks of storage data to move in the
Migrate Last field.
To migrate replication data, select the Migrate Replication Usage Data checkbox, then select either Day or Week from the
drop-down menu and specify the number of days or weeks of replication data to move in the Migrate Last field.
11. Click OK.
Change the Database Connection
Use this procedure to change the host name, IP address, or port for the database server.
If a Storage Center is selected from the drop-down list, click (Home) in the left navigation pane of Unisphere Central.
2. Click Data Collector.
The Data Collector view is displayed.
3. Click the General tab, and then click the Database subtab.
4. Click Change Connection.
The Change Data Connection dialog box opens.
5. Type the host name or IP address of the database server in the Database Server field.
6. Type port number of the database server in the Database Port field.
7. Type the user name and password of a user account that has database administrator rights in the User Name and Password fields.
8. Click OK.
The Data Collector Restart dialog box opens.
9. Click Yes.
The Data Collector service stops and restarts.
Configuring Environment Settings
The Data Collector Environment settings include remote data collector information, server settings and directory service settings.
Data Collector Management