Reference Guide
Table Of Contents
- Dell Command | Monitor Version 10.4 Reference Guide
- Introduction for Dell Command | Monitor 10.4
- Dell Command | Monitor 10.4 Namespaces
- Profiles for Dell Command | Monitor 10.4
- Classes for Dell Command | Monitor 10.4
- Dell Command | Monitor 10.4 classes and properties
- Classes supported for systems running Linux
- Classes supported for systems running Windows
- DCIM_AlertIndication
- DCIM_ApplicationProxySetting
- DCIM_BaseMetricDefinition
- DCIM_Card
- DCIM_Chassis
- DCIM_Chip
- DCIM_DesktopMonitor
- DCIM_DHCPProtocolEndpoint
- DCIM_EthernetPort
- DCIM_FlatPanel
- DCIM_IPProtocolEndpoint
- DCIM_ImprovementProgramConsent
- DCIM_ControllerView
- DCIM_PhysicalDiskView
- DCIM_VirtualDiskView
- DCIM_PhysicalMemory
- DCIM_PhysicalPackage
- DCIM_ParallelPort
- DCIM_RemoteServiceAccessPoint
- DCIM_Slot
- DCIM_SerialPort
- DCIM_Memory
- DCIM_PCIDevice
- DCIM_DisplayController
- DCIM_Fan
- DCIM_IndicatorLED
- DCIM_PowerSupply
- DCIM_Battery
- DCIM_Processor
- DCIM_NumericSensor
- DCIM_Sensor
- DCIM_DeviceBay
- DCIM_VideoHead
- DCIM_Button
- DCIM_NetworkPortConfigurationService
- DCIM_TimeService
- DCIM_AccountManagementService
- DCIM_RoleBasedAuthorizationService
- DCIM_PowerManagementService
- DCIM_BootService
- DCIM_IPConfigurationService
- DCIM_PowerUtilizationManagementService
- DCIM_BIOSService
- DCIM_SoftwareInstallationService
- DCIM_ComputerSystem
- DCIM_RecordLog
- DCIM_OperatingSystem
- DCIM_SoftwareIdentity
- DCIM_BIOSElement
- DCIM_ConcreteJob
- DCIM_BootSourceSetting
- DCIM_BootConfigSetting
- DCIM_IPAssignmentSettingData
- DCIM_PowerAllocationSettingData
- DCIM_AssetAcquisition
- DCIM_AssetExtendedWarrantyInformation
- DCIM_AssetOwnerInformation
- DCIM_AssetSupportInformation
- DCIM_AssetWarrantyInformation
- DCIM_AssetSystemInformation
- DCIM_ThermalInformation
- DCIM_AMTSettings
- DCIM_ASFSettings
- DCIM_VProSettings
- DCIM_AlertIndicationSettingData
- DCIM_HDDAlertIndicationSettingData
- DCIM_BaseMetricValue
- DCIM_LogEntry
- DCIM_IndicatorLEDCapabilities
- DCIM_ProcessorCapabilities
- DCIM_AccountManagementCapabilities
- DCIM_BootServiceCapabilities
- DCIM_PlatformWatchdogServiceCapabilities
- DCIM_DHCPCapabilities
- DCIM_PowerUtilizationManagementCapabilities
- DCIM_EnabledLogicalElementCapabilities
- DCIM_ButtonCapabilities
- DCIM_LCDPanelCapabilities
- DCIM_PowerManagementCapabilities
- DCIM_PhysicalAssetCapabilities
- DCIM_RoleBasedManagementCapabilities
- DCIM_AllocationCapabilities
- DCIM_BIOSServiceCapabilities
- DCIM_SoftwareInstallationServiceCapabilities
- DCIM_ConcreteCollection
- DCIM_RedundancySet
- DCIM_Role
- DCIM_IndicationSettingCollection
- DCIM_ConfigurationCapacity
- DCIM_Location
- DCIM_BIOSEnumeration
- DCIM_BIOSPassword
- DCIM_MemoryError
- DCIM_IdentityContext
- DCIM_OrderedComponent
- DCIM_Container
- DCIM_ConcreteComponent
- DCIM_SystemDevice
- DCIM_AccountOnSystem
- DCIM_InstalledOS
- DCIM_SystemComponent
- DCIM_SettingsDefineCapabilities
- DCIM_DeviceSAPImplementation
- DCIM_HostedAccessPoint
- DCIM_HostedCollection
- DCIM_HostedService
- DCIM_VideoHeadOnController
- DCIM_SAPSAPDependency
- DCIM_ReferencedProfile
- DCIM_MetricDefForME
- DCIM_MetricForME
- DCIM_MetricInstance
- DCIM_ElementInConnector
- DCIM_Docked
- DCIM_ConcreteDependency
- DCIM_Realizes
- DCIM_ComputerSystemPackage
- DCIM_RunningOS
- DCIM_UseOfLog
- DCIM_AssociatedIndicatorLED
- DCIM_AssociatedCacheMemory
- DCIM_AssociatedSensor
- DCIM_RemoteAccessAvailableToElement
- DCIM_ServiceServiceDependency
- DCIM_DeviceConnection
- DCIM_ElementSoftwareIdentity
- DCIM_ElementCapabilities
- DCIM_ElementSettingData
- DCIM_OrderedMemberOfCollection
- DCIM_MemberOfCollection
- DCIM_OwningCollectionElement
- DCIM_ElementConformsToProfile
- DCIM_RoleLimitedToTarget
- DCIM_ElementCapacity
- DCIM_ServiceAffectsElement
- DCIM_AssociatedPowerManagementService
- DCIM_ServiceAvailableToElement
- DCIM_LogManagesRecord
- DCIM_InstalledSoftwareIdentity
- DCIM_ConcreteIdentity
- DCIM_SMARTAttributeInfo
- DCIM_SettingsDefineState
- DCIM_ElementLocation
- DCIM_CredentialContext
- DCIM_OwningJobElement
- BIOS settings supported in Dell Command | Monitor 10.4
- Alerts in Dell Command | Monitor 10.4
- Sample scripts for Dell Command | Monitor 10.4
Table 106. SettingsDefineCapabilities (continued)
Property Description
A Setting used to define the associated Capabilities instance.
PropertyPolicy defines whether or not the non-null, non-key properties of the
associated SettingData instance are treated independently or as a correlated set. For
instance, an independent set of maximum properties may be defined, when there is
no relationship between each property. On the other hand, several correlated sets of
maximum properties may need to be defined when the maximum values of each are
dependent on some of the others.
Possible values are:
● 0 = Independent
● 1 = Correlated
● 2.. = DMTF Reserved
The ValueRange property indicates further semantics on the interpretation of all
non-null, non-key properties of the Component SettingData. Minimums,
Maximums, and Increments, are only evaluated against non-null, non-key, non-
enumerated, non-boolean, numeric properties of the SettingData instance. Each
property of that set is mathematically comparable to other instances of that
Possible values are:
● 0 = Point—Indicates that this SettingData instance provides a single set of
● 1 = Minimums—Indicates that this SettingData instance provides minimum values
for evaluated properties. When used with PropertyPolicy = Independent, only
one such setting per particular SettingData instance is specified for any
Capabilities. Unless restricted by a Maximums on the same set of properties, all
values that compare higher than the specified values are also considered to be
supported by the associated capabilities instance.
● 2 = Maximums—Indicates that this SettingData instance provides maximum
values for evaluated properties. When used with PropertyPolicy = Independent,
only one such setting per particular SettingData instance is specified for any
Capabilities. Unless restricted by a Minimums on the same set of properties, all
values that compare lower than the specified values are also considered to be
supported by the associated capabilities instance.
● 3 = Increments—Indicates that this SettingData instance provides increment
values for evaluated properties. For the associated Capabilities, if an evaluated
property currently has no corresponding minimums or maximums, then the
property has no affect. Otherwise, for each evaluated property: its value x is
between the minimum and maximum, inclusively, and has the property that both
the result of maximum minus x and the result of x minus minimum are each an
integer multiple of the increment. If either minimum or maximum is not specified
and the other is, then the missing value is respectively assumed to be the lowest
or highest supported value for the property's data-type. Additionally, if both a
minimum and a maximum are specified for an evaluated property, then the result
of maximum minus minimum is an integer multiple of the increment.
● 4.. = DMTF Reserved
The ValueRole property indicates further semantics on the interpretation of the non-
null, non-key properties of the Component SettingData.
Possible values are:
● 0 = Default—Indicates that property values of the component SettingData
instance will be used as default values, when a new SettingData instance is
created for elements whose capabilities are defined by the associated Capabilities
instance. Across instances of settingdata, for particular properties having the
same semantic purpose, at most one such settingdata instance is specified as a
Dell Command | Monitor 10.4 classes and properties 237