Reference Guide

Table 541. --WirelessWwan
Attribute Details Description
Valid Argument Enabled, Disabled
Enables or disables the cellular radio, also called as the Wireless Wide Area Network (WWAN) module.
Table 542. --WlanAutoSense
Attribute Details Description
Valid Argument Enabled, Disabled
When enabled, this feature disables the Wireless Local Area Network (WLAN) radio if the system is
connected to a wired network and vice-versa.
Table 543. --WlanRegionCode
Attribute Details Description
Valid Argument Rtw, Na, Eur, Jpn, Aus, Chn, Twn, Idn
Sets the WLAN code for specific region.
Rtw — (Rest of the World) Sets the WLAN region code for the rest of the world. This option is
selected by default.
Na — (North America (FCC)) Sets the WLAN region code for Canada, and the United States.
Eur — (Europe) Sets the WLAN region code for Austria, Belgium, Czech Republic, Denmark,
Finland, France, Germany, Ireland, Italy, Luxembourg, Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Portugal,
Slovakia, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, Turkey, and United Kingdom.
Jpn — (Japan) Sets the WLAN region code for Japan only.
Aus — (Australia) Sets the WLAN region code for Australia, New Zealand, Saudi Arabia, South
Africa, UAE, and Vietnam.
Chn — (China South Asia) Sets the WLAN region code for China, and India.
Twn — (Taiwan) Sets the WLAN region code for Colombia, Peru, and Taiwan.
Idn — (Indonesia) Sets the WLAN region code for Indonesia only.
Table 544. --WirelessSwitchWlanCtrl
Attribute Details Description
Valid Argument Enabled, Disabled
Enables or disables the effect of physical wireless switch on wireless LAN and WiGig radio.
Enabled — If the wireless physical switch is on, turns the wireless LAN on and WiGig radio on. If
the wireless switch is off, turns the wireless LAN on and WiGig radio off.
Disabled — The wireless physical switch does not effect the wireless LAN and WiGig radios.
Options for Dell Command | Configure 4.3 137