Users Guide

CCTK Options 37
Sets the Network Activity LED to any of the following:
networkactivityledindicator: sets the Activity LED to be controlled by an
ACPI OS and driver.
wlanradioonoffindicator: sets the Activity LED as a wireless LAN radio
on/off indicator.
disableactivityled: sets the Activity LED to be off always.
A:>cctk --activityled=enable
Valid Argument
Adds the specified device to the boot device list. At present, only the USB
storage device is supported. This option is not valid in all the systems. The
USB storage device is added at the end of the boot order. If the USB device
is already added in the boot order list, executing the option does not
change anything. If the USB storage device is already added in the boot
order list, the following message is displayed while executing the option:
“USB device is already present in this machine.”
NOTE: The adddevice option is not supported on the systems with UEFI-
based BIOS.
A:>cctk --adddevice=usb