User's Manual
376 Troubleshooting and Recovery
racadm racdump
The racdump subcommand displays the following information:
• General system/RAC information
• CMC information
• Chassis information
• Session information
• Sensor information
• Firmware build information
Supported Interfaces
• Remote RACADM
•Telnet RACADM
RACDUMP command can be run remotely from the serial, Telnet, or SSH
console command prompt or through a normal command prompt.
To list syntax and command-line options for RACDUMP subcommands,
racadm help <racdump>
Racdump includes the following subsystems and aggregates the following
RACADM commands:
Table 12-1. Subsystems and RACADM Commands
Subsystem RACADM Command
General System/RAC information getsysinfo
Session information getssinfo
Sensor information getsensorinfo
Switches information (IO Module) getioinfo