User's Manual

Power Management 331
Reset Server (warm boot)
— Reboots the server without powering off.
This option is disabled if the server is powered off.
Power Cycle Server (cold boot)
— Powers off and then reboots the
server. This option is disabled if the server is powered off.
. A dialog box appears requesting confirmation.
to perform the power management action (for example, cause
the server to reset).
NOTE: All of the power control operations can be performed on multiple servers
from the Servers Power Control page.
Open a serial/Telnet/SSH text console to CMC, log in, and type:
racadm serveraction -m <module> <action>
where <module> specifies the server by its slot number (server-1 through
server-16) in the chassis, and <action> indicates the operation you want to
execute: powerup, powerdown, powercycle, graceshutdown, or
110V Operation
Some models of power supplies (PSUs) are capable of operating both from
220V mains as well as 110V mains. 110V power may have limited capacity;
hence when any 110V connection is detected, the chassis does not grant any
additional server power requests until the user acknowledges 110V operation
by changing that power configuration property. The user must verify that the
110V circuit in use can deliver the power required for the chassis
configuration before the acknowledgement. After acknowledgement, the
chassis grants all future appropriate server power requests and uses all
available power supply capacity.
The user can reset the 110V acknowledgement at any time from the GUI or
RACADM after initial installation. Power supply entries are logged to the
SEL log when 110V power supplies are detected and when 110V supplies are
removed. Entries are also logged to the SEL log when acknowledged and
unacknowledged by the user.