User's Manual

168 Using the CMC Web Interface
CMC Domain Name - Displays the DNS name (string) of the domain
where the Active Directory RAC Device Object resides. The CMC domain
name must be a valid domain name consisting of
, where
is a 1-256
character ASCII string with no blank spaces between characters, and
is a
valid domain type such as com, edu, gov, int, mil, net, or org.
Managing Active Directory Certificates
This sections displays the properties for the Active Directory certificate that
was recently uploaded to the CMC. If you uploaded a certificate, use this
information to verify that the certificate is valid and has not expired.
NOTE: By default, CMC does not have a certificate authority-issued server
certificate for Active Directory. You must upload a current, certificate authority-
signed server certificate.
The following properties for the certificate are displayed:
Serial Number - The certificate's serial number.
Subject Information - The certificate's subject (name of the person or
company certified).
Issuer Information - The certificate's issuer (name of the Certificate
Valid From - The starting date of the certificate.
Valid To - The expiry date of the certificate.
Use the following controls to upload and download this certificate:
Upload - Initiates the upload process for the certificate. This certificate,
which you obtain from Active Directory, grants access to CMC.
Download - Initiates the download process. You are prompted for the
location to save the file. When you select this option and click
, a
dialog box appears. Use this dialog box to specify a location on
your management station or shared network for the server certificate.
NOTE: By default, CMC does not have a certificate authority-issued server
certificate for Active Directory. You must upload a current, certificate authority-
signed server certificate.