User's Manual

Using the CMC Web Interface 131
Table 5-28. Individual Server Status - IPv4 iDRAC Network Settings
Item Description
Enabled Indicates if the IPv4 protocol is used on the LAN (Yes). If the server
does not support IPv6, the IPv4 protocol is always enabled and this
setting is not displayed.
DHCP Enabled Indicates whether Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol (DHCP)
is enabled (Yes) or disabled (No).
If this option is enabled (Yes), the server retrieves IP configuration
(IP address, subnet mask, and gateway) automatically from a
DHCP server on your network. The server always has a unique IP
Address allotted over your network.
Indicates if the IPMI LAN channel is Enabled (Yes)
or disabled (No).
IP Address Specifies the IP address for the iDRAC network interface.
Subnet Mask Specifies the subnet mask for the iDRAC network interface.
Gateway Specifies the gateway for the iDRAC network interface.
Table 5-29. Individual Server Status - IPv6 iDRAC Network Settings
Item Description
Enabled Indicates if the IPv6 protocol is used on the LAN (Yes).
Indicates if Autoconfiguration for IPv6 is enabled (Yes).
If Autoconfiguration is enabled, the server retrieves IPv6
configuration (IPv6 address, Prefix Length, and IPv6 Gateway)
automatically from an IPv6 router on your network. The server
always has a unique IPv6 address over your network, and may be
given up to 16 IPv6 addresses.
Link Local
IPv6 address assigned to CMC based upon the MAC address of
Gateway Displays the IPv6 gateway for the iDRAC network interface.
IPv6 Address Displays an IPv6 address for the iDRAC network interface.
There may be up to 16 of these addresses. The prefix length,
if nonzero, is given after a forward slash ("/").