User's Manual

130 Using the CMC Web Interface
Table 5-26. Individual Server Status - iDRAC System Event Log
Item Description
Severity OK Indicates a normal event
that does not require
corrective actions.
Informational Indicates an informational
entry on an event in
which the Severity status
has not changed.
Unknown Indicates an
Warning Indicates a non-critical event
for which corrective actions
must be taken soon to avoid
system failures.
Critical Indicates a critical event
requiring immediate
corrective actions to avoid
system failures.
Date/Time Displays the exact date and time the event occurred
(for example, Wed May 02 16:26:55 2007).
Description Provides a brief description of the event.
Table 5-27. Individual Server Status - iDRAC Network Settings
Item Description
LAN Enabled Indicates if the LAN channel is Enabled (Yes) or disabled (No).