Administrator Guide

Status Code
[Cause] The machine failed to transfer data using SMB of the Scan to PC service because the file
name or folder name could not be retrieved.
[Remedy] Confirm the access privilege to the SMB server.
[Cause] The machine failed to transfer data using SMB of the Scan to PC service because the
suffix of the name of the file or folder exceeded the limit value.
[Remedy] Change the file name or forwarding destination folder of the scan server. Or,
try moving
or deleting the files within the forwarding destination folder.
[Cause] During forwarding using SMB of the Scan to PC service, the scanned image file could
not be created on the SMB server because of one of the following reasons:
The specified file name already exists.
The specified file name has
already been used.
The specified file name exists as
a directory.
alid characters are used in the file name.
[Remedy] Take one of the following measures:
Check whether the specified file name
can be used
in the save location.
Check whether the specified file name has been used by another user.
heck whether the specified file name has been used for another file or folder.
[Cause] The machine failed to transfer data using SMB of the Scan to PC service because a folder
could not be created on the SMB server. The specified folder already exists.
[Remedy] Check whether the specified name is being used for another file or folder on the SMB
[Cause] The machine failed to transfer data using SMB of the Scan to PC service because a folder
could not be created on the SMB server. The specified folder already exists.
[Remedy] Check whether the specified name is being used for another file or folder on the SMB
[Cause] During forwarding using SMB of the Scan to PC service, a file could not be deleted from
the SMB server because of one of the following reasons:
The file does not exist.
The file is opened.
The specified file name is
being used as a directory.
[Remedy] Check whether the file is
not being used by another user at the specified save location.
[Cause] The machine failed to delete the lock directory on the SMB server while transferring data
using SMB of the Scan to PC service.
[Remedy] If the lock directory (*.LCK) exi
sts in the destination, delete it manually, and then
execute the operation again.
[Cause] During forwarding using SMB of the Scan to PC service, a folder could not be deleted
from the SMB server because of one of the following reasons:
The file does not exist.
The directory is not empty.
The specified directory name does not exist.
[Remedy] Check whether the file is not being used by another user at the spe
cified save location.
[Cause] The machine failed to transfer data using SMB of the Scan to PC service because no
space is available at the save location on the SMB server.
[Remedy] Check whether the save location has free space.
Status Code Cause and Remedy