Users Guide

22 Authentication and Accounting Features
Types of Authentication
The following describes the types of authentication (Login Type) available on the machine.
The following authentication methods are available.
User ID Authentication
The machine requires users to enter their user IDs and passcodes with the numeric keypad
or the touch screen of the machine.
Authentication is performed using user information registered on the machine or user
information registered on a remote server.
The following two types of authentication methods are available according to the registration
condition of user information.
Login to Local Accounts
Login to Local Accounts uses the user information registered on the machine to manage
A print job directly sent to the machine from a computer can be received on the machine
after being authenticated through cross-checking process whereby the authentication
information configured on the client's driver with the information registered on the
For information on driver settings, refer to the help of the driver.
Login to Remote Accounts
Authentication is performed for a remote server. User information is not registered on the
Login to Remote Accounts uses the user information registered on a remote authentication
server (LDAP, Kerberos, or SMB) to perform authentication.
Note When a user is authenticated by a remote authentication server, the authenticated user can access
the services through the control panel based on the permission information obtained from the remote
When you change Login Type to or from [Login to Remote Accounts], user information, private folders,
and Personal Sheets registered on the machine will be deleted.
When you register user information on a remote authentication server, use up to 32 single-byte
characters for a user ID and up to 128 single-byte characters for a password. Note, however, that up
to 32 single-byte characters are allowed for an SMB authentication password.
Smart Card Authentication
Authentication is performed using the IC Card Reader.
Note Set whether or not to enable user ID authentication when the smart card reader is connected. For
more information, refer to "When Smart Card Reader is Connected" (P.454).
Combined Use of Smart Card Authentication and User ID Authentication
Authentication is performed using the user ID of the card pre-registered on the machine or
the remote server.
Note When remote authentication is used, the registration of the user ID on the machine is not required.