Reference Guide

818 Brocade Fabric OS Command Reference
To determine whether or not beaconing is enabled or disabled on the switch or chassis, use the switchBeacon or
chassisBeacon command without operands. A value of 0 indicates that the command is disabled, a value of 1
indicates that the command is enabled. Issue the portBeacon --show -all command to display beaconing status.
The switchShow command displays the status of the switchBeacon command only.
Notes The execution of this command is subject to Virtual Fabric restrictions that may be in place. Refer to "Using Fabric
OS Commands" and "Command Availability" for details.
Operands This command has the following operands:
Specifies the slot number on which the port peer beaconing is available.
Specifies the number of the port to be configured, relative to its slot for bladed systems. Use
switchShow for a list of valid ports.
Enables the port peer beaconing on a particular port.
Disables the port peer beaconing on a particular port even when the port is disabled or
--show -all
Displays the ports on which the Port Peer Beaconing is active. It helps to find the ports that
receive the ELS and start beaconing. The administrator can verify the connectivity from the
Telnet instead of physically verifying the connection.
Displays the command usage.
Examples To enable the port peer beacon on a port:
switch:admin> portpeerbeacon --enable 2/15
To disable the port peer beacon on a port:
switch:admin> portpeerbeacon --disable 15
To display the status of the port peer beacon on a chassis:
switch:admin> portpeerbeacon --show -all
PortPeerBeacon enabled port(s):
FID 128:
3/27, 3/28, 3/30, 3/31,
FID 10:
3/16, 3/17,
FID 20:
3/24, 3/25