Reference Guide

Brocade Fabric OS Command Reference 163
Configures time-out based credit loss detection of 8 Gbps-capable front-end ISL links.
This feature is disabled by default.
Disables credit loss detection on 8 Gbps-capable front-end ports.
Enables credit loss detection on 8 Gbps-capable front-end ports.
Activates link reset when credit loss occurs on backend ports. This feature is disabled by
Disables link reset for credit loss on backend ports.
Enables link reset for credit loss on backend ports.
Activates link reset when loss of synchronization occurs on backend ports. This feature is
disabled by default.
Disables link reset for loss of synchronization on backend ports.
Enables link reset for loss of synchronization on backend ports.
Performs the on-demand detection of credit loss on a given backend port and VC. This
operand is optional and exclusive; when you specify this option you cannot use the --cfg
options at the same time. You must specify a port and a VC, separated by a comma. A
space before the comma is not permitted.
Specifies the backend port that is to be examined for credit loss. The port number must be
the blade port number, because this is a backend port. The blade port number can be
located in the "Bpt" column output of the bladePortMap command. Note that the
bladeportmap command requires root permissions.
Specifies the Virtual Channel number. The valid range is from 1 through 31. VC 0 is invalid.
--linkreset slot/blade_port
Performs a link reset on the specified front-end or back-end blade port. The blade port
number can be located in the "Bpt" column output of the bladePortMap command. The
bladeportmap command requires root permissions.
Displays the backend port credit recovery configuration as enabled or disabled. In addition,
the output indicates whether link reset mode or link reset threshold mode is configured.
Displays the command usage.