Users Guide

Using AlienwareFX application | 57
Creating a set of preset colors
You may create at most 10 sets of preset col
ors for quick access to your favorite
To do this:
1. C
lick a new color chip, , from the list.
2. Pi
ck a preferred color from the color palette. The selected color and its
RGB color codes will be displayed.
3. T
o add more colors to the list, repeat step 1 and step 2.
NOTE: Except the default preset color - black, , you may add new
colors for a total of 9.
4. Cl
ick Save as new preset when you finish arranging the preferred colors
for the list.
5. In the Preset Name window, use the keyboard to name the set of preset
6. Select OK to save the customized set of preset colors.
7. T
o create more customized sets, repeat steps 1 to 6.