DS2 Setup Guide

Dedicated Micros ©2007
Nuisance count
Note: This option is only visible if Alarm Options->Advanced Alarms are enabled
This is a repetitive detector value and is part of the advanced alarm feature. When an alarm is
received on the unit it will store the alarm time and will monitor the number of times the same
detector is triggered within an hour period. If the detector is triggered the number of times that has
been set for the nuisance count then the unit will de-activate this detector from triggering an alarm
on the system for an hour.
The unit will continue to monitor the detector and check how many times it is triggered during
this hour, if it is triggered the same number as the nuisance counter it will remain de-activated for
another hour, this will continue until the trigger value goes below the nuisance count setting.
Stuck time
Note: This option is only visible if Alarm Options->Advanced Alarms are enabled
If any of the alarms/detectors are active for a period longer than specied in the stuck time setting
then these detectors will automatically be omitted.
This is part of the Advanced Alarms function and is set in minutes.
Pulse extension
A pulse extension (000 - 999 seconds) can be added to each alarm input.
A pulse extension extends the trigger period to avoid double alarm triggers from occurring, i.e. If a
second trigger occurs on the same alarm input within the pulse extension time period, the unit will
not create a new event.