Installation Guide

1. Plan your layout to avoid an unbalanced installation. As a rule of thumb, material should run
lengthwise and parallel to the most dominant wall to achieve the best appearance.
2. If installing on an exterior deck, it is recommended to start from the outside edge of the deck
surface and work towards the building.
3. Make sure the surface area is square before laying out the material. Measure the diagonals
from all four corners. Take a tape measure and measure the distance from one corner to its
diagonal, and then measure the diagonal between the remaining two corners. Know that if the
measurements equal one another, your surface area is square. If the measurements are different
you can make adjustments with the first panel during the dry-fit.
4. Measure in 73” from outside edge when using 74” wide product or 36” from outside edge when
using 37” wide product and snap a chalk line. This will provide for a 1” overhang over the outside
perimeter that will be trimmed off once the panel is installed and it will also indicate where a butt
seam will be located if multiple panels are required.
5. To determine length requirements for each panel, allow for a 1” of overhang over any perimeter
edge and mark the material so that it can be cut flush against any wall or vertical obstacle. Cut
the panel to the desired size using a straight edge and sharp utility knife and dry-fit it into place.
Make sure the utility knife blade is sharp and is in an upright position for a clean 90 degree cut.
Cut the material with the bottom side up. Do not remove the protective film from the back of the
panel at this time.
Some projects may require more than one panel of membrane to be installed. It is important to
understand how to properly install multiple panels that run in parallel to each other. With the initial
panel of membrane dry-fit in place, lay out and dry-fit the adjoining panel as follows:
6. Align the edge of next panel parallel to the one in place so that it aligns flush to it creating a butt
seam. Butt seams should be tight with no gaps. IMPORTANT: Material should be installed so that
all butt seams are factory edges to factory edges. Any cut edges should only be located along
outside perimeters, along walls or along other obstacles.
7. Determine the length requirements for the multi-piece panel by allowing for 1” of overhang over any
perimeter edge and mark the material so that it can be cut flush against any wall or vertical obstacle.
8. Cut the multi-piece panel as desired using a straight edge and sharp utility knife and dry-fit
it into place. Make sure the utility knife blade is sharp an in an upright position for a clean 90
degree cut. Cut the material with the bottom side up. Do not remove protective film from the
back of the panel at this time.
9. Repeat steps 6-8 if additional panels are required.
10. Use a suitable straight edge to mark and cut the panel to the desired size. Use a sharp utility knife
to make the final cut making sure the knife blade is sharp and in an upright position for a clean 90
degree cut. Cut the material with the bottom side up.
11. To dry-fit the membrane around a fixed post or other obstacle that cannot be removed or detached
you will need to provide a relief cut on the panel from an edge inward to the obstacle. This cut is
required in order to allow the membrane to wrap around the obstacle and lay flat.
12. Determine the best location for the relief cut and use a straight edge to mark and cut the field
panel creating a clean, straight cut edge as close to the base of the obstacle as possible.
To obtain a tight fit around irregular objects, create a template out of heavy paper to fit around
posts, pipes or other irregularities. Use the template to trace an outline on the panel and then cut
along the trace lines with sharp utility knife. Make sure the knife blade is in an upright position for
a clean 90 degree cut.
Once you have made all of the final cuts and have all of the pieces dry-fitted into place you are
ready to remove the release liner and complete the installation.
Remove the release liner from the backside of the panels in manageable sections without
damaging the membrane. The best method for accomplishing this is dependent on the width of
material selected and also upon the size of the panel being installed. It is always a good idea to
have assistance available to help place the panels into position.
Avoid removing too much release liner at one time, keep it manageable.
13. Peel back 3 inches – 5 inches (75mm – 127mm) of the release liner from the back of the panel
(along its length) without damaging the membrane and place the panel into its final position
being very careful to align the piece properly before allowing the adhesive backing to come into
contact with the surface.
14. The recommended practice is to roll the panel into place starting at the edge of the panel and
rolling it down onto the surface while at the same time working out any air bubbles from being
formed and trapped. Caution: Attempting to drop the panel down horizontally directly onto the
surface in one fail swoop makes it difficult to prevent air bubbles from being formed or released.
15. With the first 3 inches – 5 inches (75mm – 127mm) set in place you can continue to remove
additional release liner in a smooth wrinkle-free manner and complete the installation of the
panel. Continue using the same procedure of only removing manageable sections of release liner
and rolling the panel into place preventing air bubbles from being trapped under the surface until
installation of the panel is complete.
16. If installing multiple panels, continue using the same procedure described above paying special
attention to the butt seam edges. Butt seams should be tight with no gaps. Try to avoid “stair
stepping” (overlapping) of joints. IMPORTANT: Material should be installed so that all butt seams
are factory edges to factory edges.
17. Complete any unfinished trimming including trimming the membrane at the very edge of the metal
drip edge (if installed).
18. Roll the complete surface in length and width with a 100 lb. 3-section steel roller. The adhesive on the
pieces is a pressure-sensitive adhesive and this step ensures a complete bond to the substrate and
removal of any trapped air. Failure to roll the floor may result in loose or curled pieces.
© Skyline Building Systems Inc., 2019