User Manual

188 PatientNet Operator’s Manual, v1.04, 10001001-00X, Draft
All information contained herein is subject to the rights and restrictions on the title page.
Attendant Present / Procedure Alarm Silence (PAS) Unlock Button
The Attendant Present/PAS Unlock Buttons consists of two buttons that are located
on either side of the transceiver (See Figure 91 on page 190). The Attendant Present
push buttons have three functions. Each function is initiated based on how long the
buttons are pressed.
1. Lead Quality
Pressing both Attendant Present buttons simultaneously will illuminate the LEDs for
each lead that has a minimum level of quality.
2. Initiating an Attendant Present Alarm
Once the transceiver is in the Power-On Mode, pressing the Attendant Present buttons
will activate the Attendant Present function and initiate an Attendant Present Alarm
at the Central Station.
3. Unlocking the PAS button
The PAS button must be unlocked or enabled prior to initiating the Procedure Alarm
Silence button. In the “locked” position, the PAS button is disabled.
To “unlock” the PAS button, press, and hold (for about two seconds), the Attendant
Present buttons until the Procedure Alarm Silence Status Indicator LED begins flash-
ing. Once the LED indicator starts flashing, the PAS button is in the “unlocked mode”
and functional.
Note: The PAS button must be pressed while the LED is still flashing. If it is
pressed after the LED has stopped flashing, then the PAS button will auto-
matically be “re-locked”.