
Fast-Fold® Truss Frame Construction
Side Truss
Bottom Truss
Front Foot
Back Foot
Truss Leg
Truss Leg
Detail Of Corner
Assy. Fasten Trusses
With Speedy Cranks
Make Sure Speedy
Crank Is Inserted
Through All Threaded
Hinge Joints
Anti-Sway Brace
(Mounted Insde When
Used Without Drapes)
Anti-Sway Brace
(Mounted Outside When Used
With Drapes)
Under 25' Wide
Side Truss
Bottom Truss
Front Foot
Back Foot
Detail Of Corner
Assy. Fasten Trusses
With Speedy Cranks
Make Sure Speedy Crank
Is Inserted Through All
Threaded Hinge Joints
Anti-Sway Brace
(Mounted Insde
When Used
Without Drapes)
Anti-Sway Brace
(Mounted Outside When
Used With Drapes)
25' And Wider
Truss “L” Section
Back Brace
Mounted To Bottom Of
Frame From Behind At
Hinge Locations With
(8) Speedy Cranks Each
Short Speedy Crank
Diagonal Brace
Short Speedy Crank
Assembled End View Of
Frame And "L" Section
Left Side Of Truss
Frame Is Removed For
Better Viewing Of
Truss Leg
Left Side Of Truss
Frame Is Removed
For Better Viewing Of
Truss Leg
Truss Leg