
To remove and replace the meat drawer cover (Style 2
1. Remove the meat drawer. Tilt the cover up at the front and
pull it forward and out.
2. Replace the meat drawer cover by fitting the notches and rear
edge of the cover over rear and center crossbars on the shelf.
Lower cover into place and replace the meat drawer.
You can adjust the amount of humidity in the moisture-sealed
crisper using the settings between HIGH and LOW.
LOW (open} lets moist air out of the crisper for best storage
of fruits and vegetables with skins. Fruit: Wash, let dry and
store in refrigerator in plastic bag in crisper. Do not wash or
hull berries until they are ready to use. Sort and keep berries
in original container in crisper. Vegetables with skins: Place
in plastic bag or plastic container and store in crisper.
HIGH (closed) keeps moist air in the crisper for best storage
of fresh, leafy vegetables. Leafy vegetables: Wash in cold
water, drain and trim or tear off bruised and discolored areas.
Place in plastic bag or plastic container and store in crisper.
Humidity control location:
Humidity Control on crisper drawer (Style 1 - on left/Style 2 -
on right)
__ High _ 4 3 2 1 Low
Chilled D ®w®s""
Slide the meat drawer temperature control forward to make the
meat drawer less cold or backward to make the drawer more
Meat storage guide
Store most meat in original wrapping as long as it is airtight and
moisture-proof. Rewrap if necessary. See the following chart for
storage times. When storing meat longer than the times given,
freeze the meat.
Fresh fish or shellfish .................. use same day as purchased
Chicken, ground beef, variety meats (liver) ............... 1-2 days
Cold cuts, steaks/roasts ........................................... 3-5 days
Cured meats ............................................................ 7-10 days
Leftovers - Cover leftovers with plastic wrap, aluminum foil, or
plastic containers with tight lids.
(o_ s/c_m®mod®s --Acc_so_y}
To remove and replace the wine rack (left) or can/bottle rack
1. Remove the rack by pulling it straight out from the shelf.
2. Replace the rack by sliding it in between the shelf and the
wall of the refrigerator.
Depending on your model, you may have a one, two or three
piece bin. Eggs may be stored in the egg tray or loose in the bin.
NOTE: Store eggs in a covered container for long term
storage. If your model does not have an egg storage bin,
store eggs in their original carton on an interior shelf.