
marked container for all fuel pur-
Do not smoke while handling fuel or
while operating the unit.
, Do not fill fuel lank while engine is
,, Wipe up luel spills before starting en-
Move at least 10 feet (3 meters)
away from fuel and fueling site before
starling engine.
Stop the engine before opening the
vacuum inlel door. The engine must
be stopped and the impeller blades
no longer lurning Io avoid serious in-
jury Irom the rotating blades.
Inspect unit before each use for
worn, loose, missing, or damaged
parts. Do not use until unit is in
proper working order.
Keep outside surfaces free of oil and
Never slart or run engine inside a
closed room or building. Breathing
exhaust fumes can kill.
To avoid static electricity shock, do
not wear rubber gloves or any other
insulated gloves while operating unit.
Do not set unit on any surface except
a clean, hard area while engine is
running. Debds such as gravel, sand,
dust, grass, etc. could be picked up
by the air intake and thrown out
through discharge opening, damag-
ing unit, property, or causing serious
injury to bystanders or operator.
Avoid dangerous environmenls. Do
not use in unventilated areas or
where explosive vapors or carbon
monoxide build up could be present.
Do not overreach or use from unsta-
ble surfaces such as ladders, trees,
steep slopes, rooftops, etc. Keep firm
footing and balance at all times.
Never place ob.iects inside the blower
tubes; always direct the blowing de-
bris away from people, animals,
glass, and solid objects such as
trees, automobiles, walls, etc. The
force of a_rcan cause rocks, dirt, or
sticks to be thrown or to ricochet
which can hurt people or animals,
break glass, or cause other damage.
Never run unit without the proper
equipment attached. When using
your und as a blower, always install
blower tubes. When using your unit
as a vacuum, always install vacuum
tubes and vacuum bag assembly.
Make sure vacuum bag assembly is
completely zipped.
Check air intake opening, blower
tubes, vacuum tubes, and elbow tube
frequently, always with engine
stopped and spark plug discon-
nected. Keep vents and discharge
tubes free of debris which can accu-
mulate and restrict proper air flow.
Never place any object in the air in-
take opening as this could restdct
proper air flow and cause damage to
the unit.
Never use for spreading chemicals,
fertilizers, or other substances which
may contain toxic materials.
To avoid spreading fire, do not use
near leaf or brush fires, fireplaces,
barbecue pits, ashtrays, etc.
Use only for jobs explained in this
Have all maintenance other than the
recommended procedures described
in the Operator's Manual pedormed
by Sears Service.
Disconnect spark plug before per-
forming maintenance except for car-
buretor adjustments.
° Use only recommended CRAFTS-
MAN® replacement parts; use of any
other parts may void your warranty
and cause damage to your unit.
Empty fuel tank before storing the unit.
Use up fuel left in carburetor by starting
engine and letting it run until it stops.
Do not use any accessory or attach-
ment other than those recommended
by manufacturer for use with your unit.
Do not store the unit or fuel in a
closed area where fuel vapors can
reach sparks or an open flame from
hol water heaters, electric motors or
switches, furnaces, etc.
,, Store in a dry area out of reach of
SPECIAL NOTICE: For users on U.S.
Forest Land and in some states, in-
cluding California(Public Resources
Codes 4442 and 4443), Idaho, Maine,
Minnesota, New Jersey, Oregon, and
Washington: Certain internal combus-
tion engines operated on forest, brush,
and/or grass covered land in the above