User guide

i-on160 1. Introduction
Page 3
Setting and Unsetting
The majority of alarm systems are intended to detect the
movements of people, and to notify others when people move
into protected areas. Readying the system to start an alarm when
someone moves into a protected area is called “setting” the
system. Disarming the system so that people can move freely is
called “unsetting” the system.
Alarms and Reset
When the system starts an alarm it usually includes activating
sounders and strobes and sending messages to an Alarm
Receiving Centre (ARC). The ARC may then call the police or other
security service to come and investigate the alarm.
Before you can set the system again you must silence the
sounders and then “reset” the system so that it is ready for
setting again (see page 12 for instructions). Please note that your
Installer may have programmed your system so that although you
can silence the sounders, you cannot reset the system yourself,
but have to call the Installer to come and do it for you.
Security Levels
At a site where all users have complete access to the whole site,
then the installer can program the i-on160EX to provide four
levels of security: Full Set and three different Part Sets. Any user
can put the alarm system into any of the security levels. Each
security level is a collection of one or more detectors that
monitors a different area. The highest security level is called Full
Set, and includes all the detectors. There are three other security
levels called Part Set B, C and D. For example, in a family home
Full Set might monitor the whole house and out-buildings, while
Part Set B might monitor just the downstairs rooms and external
If the system is installed at a site where some users must be
restricted to parts of the site, for example a rented office space
where different users belong to different companies, then the
installer can split the system electronically into separate