User guide

3. Setting and Unsetting i-on160
Page 24
access code or tag the system
unsets that partition.
3. Press u or n to show “Partitions”.
“Partitions” is the second or
third item down on the
setting options menu.
Setting Options
Partitions >
4. Press Y.
The bottom line of the display
shows the possible states of
the first partition:
U = Unset
S = Full Set
P = Part Set
“U>P” = change to Part Set.
“U>S” = change to Full Set.
“S>U” = change to Unset
“P>U” = change to Unset
Partition 1 U
5. Press > or < to select the
change that you want.
Partition 1 U>P
6. Press u or n to show any
other Partitions to which you
have access.
Note that the installer may
have given the Partition a
name, for example “Stores”.
Stores S
7. Press < or > to select the
change you want for the
“S>U” = change to Unset
“P>U” = change to Unset
Stores S>U
8. Press Y when you have
finished changing all the
Partitions to which you have