User manual

Both coils must be made of the included equipment wire. Each of them has
three turns with an inner diameter of 5 mm and a length of approx. 7 mm. Use
the 100-µF-Elko as a coiling mandrel. First wind three turns close to each other.
Then draw the turns apart so that the coil has a total length of approx. 7 mm. Ac-
curacy does not need to be perfect, because the coil can still be changed a little
after installation. Strip the wire ends of insulation. Remove the coil from its coil-
ing mandrel only after this. Solder on the two wires at the bottom. Then cut off
protruding wires with sharp pliers about 2 mm above the PCV.
Coil installation
Insert the resistors R1 (4.7 kO, yellow, violet, red), R2 (220 kO, red, red, yellow)
close to the connections for Poti PT2. The resistors R3 (1 kO, brown, black, red),
R5 (330 kO, orange, orange, yellow) and R6 (33 O, orange, orange, black) belong
to the LF amplifier on the other side of the PCB. The resistor R4 (5.6 kO) is al-
ready soldered on as an SMD component. Bend the connection wires appropri-
ately for standing installation.
The resistors